One and Two Point Perspective

All middle school students are working now on Linear Perspective – a graphic system for representing depth and volume on a flat surface by means of lines converging at a vanishing point or points on a horizon line.

The 7/8's have been inspired by their visit to the CCS Transportation Design Center for Education and are now developing their own designs. These design drawings require the students to use linear perspective and orthographic projection – a means of representing and correctly communicating a three-dimensional object in two dimensions. 

The 5/6's are experimenting with basic one or two point perspective drawings, depending on their level of interest. They are required to practice outside of class time by picking a room in their home and drawing multiple objects in linear perspective. The 5/6's are viewing what the 7/8's are designing and how they are putting their linear perspective skill set to use! Here are online resources for One Point Perspective and Two Point Perspective