Local Arts: Tyree Guyton

Face Study, Tyree Guyton

The 7/8's are visiting the Heidelberg Project now, some of them for the second time. Here is the website: http://www.heidelberg.org/
On Tuesday, September 22nd the 7/8's will take a field trip to UMMA where we will see a thirty-year reflection on Tyree Guyton's Heidelberg Project and art work. Guyton made many journals and kept sketch books of his ideas. We have started our own journals and will keep notes of our art adventures and experiences this year, continuing our efforts to learn and have discussions about the artists in our community.

We recently experimented with imitating the "faces" seen in Guyton's art works and his journals by first sketching large loose self-portraits, then creating smaller more controlled works, directly in the style of Tyree Guyton:

This activity was exciting and gave the students freedom to play–they did not identify it as their own personal art. We will make multiple sketches, use mixed media and add them to our journals.